15 Most Rare And Expensive Materials In The World
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 3:58 pm
By:James Fraser
Most of us think gold, platinum or diamonds are precious and expensive. However, there are many materials on the earth and in the space that are unbelievably pricey. Precious metals and materials are expensive because they are not available in abundance. Here are fifteen most rare and expensive materials in the world that make metals like Gold look cheap!
10.Painite - $9000 / gram
Painite is a very, very, rare crystal, which belongs to boron family. It was first discovered by a British scientist named Arthur Pain in 1950s. This mineral is so rare that you can find less than twenty five Painite crystals in the world. Painite is so rare that you can't even find one now to buy, even after you are ready to shell out $9000 a gram!