15 Well Mannered Insults To Use Against Your Enemy
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 6:31 pm
By:James Fraser
Is swearing bad? Some people say yes, and some say no. Many of those who think swearing is fine would absolutely hate it when someone starts cursing them back. What we are about to show you now are some well mannered insults, which work much better than swear words when you have to insult someone.
1.Oh no, We Love Chocolate Chip Cookies
May the chocolate chips in your cookies always turn out to be raisins.
Some people hate raisins. They think raisins unnecessarily or inappropriately appear in many of the foods they love. One of the many reasons why people hate raisins is that they look like chocolate chips. If you are a chocolate cookie lover, and if someone uses this insult on you, you are going to get mad for sure.