15 Things Only People With Raynaud's Will Understand

Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 2:22 pm
By:James Fraser

Raynaud's disease or Raynaud's phenomenon is a health condition where blood doesn't flow to fingers, toes or other body parts in response to cold or emotional stress. Cold or stress narrows thinner blood vessels carrying blood to parts like fingers and make them go numb and look pale. People who are suffering from advanced stages of this condition may suffer from tissue damage. This disease mostly affects people living in colder climates. Here are fifteen things only people suffering from Raynaud's can understand.
1.You Have to Deal with This More Often

This picture that scares common people is a common thing to those who are suffering from Raynaud's.

You Have to Deal with This More Often-15 Things Only People With Raynaud's Will Understand

2.Hand and Toe Fingers are Mainly Affected

Usually, fingers are mostly affected, but on a bad day, your toe fingers can turn pale as well.

Hand and Toe Fingers are Mainly Affected-15 Things Only People With Raynaud's Will Understand

3.You are Addicted to Heating Sources

Anything that's hot or warm is your favorite! You love your cup of tea, laptop, or just about anything that's capable of producing heat!

You are Addicted to Heating Sources-15 Things Only People With Raynaud's Will Understand


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