12 Shocking Reasons Why You Should Never Hold In A Fart
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 6:07 pm
By:James Fraser
Most of us hold in a fart far too frequently for obvious reasons. This is a terrible habit. It's not at all healthy to forcibly stop gas from passing out. There are several risks and health complications linked to it. Read twelve shocking reasons why anyone shouldn't hold in a fart for a long period of time. Saying that, it doesn't mean you should be farting freely anywhere and anytime. If there's an urge to fart, excuse yourself from people, walk into a restroom or any private area, Let the storm rage on.
1.Know the Fart
A fart is just a collection of gases produced in the intestines while breaking down the food you eat. Gases like nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane and sulfur, etc. are the major constituents of a fart. Hydrogen and methane make a fart flammable, and sulfur makes it smell bad.

2.Flatulence or Fart is Body's Natural Way of Sending out Harmful Gases
Just like a cough, sneeze or burp, a fart is human body's natural process. Its purpose is to send the harmful gases out. If you are holding in a fart, you are acting against your body's natural function. By doing so, you are keeping toxic gases inside you for far too long, against your body's wish.

3.You are Exerting More Pressure on Lower Intestinal Chamber
Particularly, if you produce more gas and if you hold it in for longer periods of time, you are putting immense pressure on the lower intestinal chamber. At times, it can block or blow up the colon like a balloon.

4.The Gas May Move up Back to the Stomach
A human digestive system consists of series of sphincters starting with esophageal sphincter. The rectum is the only sphincter we can control. If you forcibly hold in the fart, the chances are good that it moves up to the upper intestinal chambers.

5.It May Cause Stomach Rumbling
When you are hungry or dehydrated, your stomach starts to make those weird noises called 'stomach rumbles'. When you hold in a fart, the gas starts moving up which makes even louder stomach rumbles at times and may put yourself in an embarrassing situation.

6.You will be Producing Compound Farts
Why people hold in their farts? It is most probably because they are not in a right palce or situation to pass the gas out. Holding in a fart only makes things worse as it starts to rot and grow big in size, resulting in a much stinkier fart.

7.Body Can Reabsorb the Harmful Gases
When the gas stays in the stomach for a longer period of time, our body has no better option except to reabsorb it into the blood stream. Carrying harmful chemical compounds in the blood longer than usual time leads to several other health conditions.

8.You May Exhale out a Fart
When a fart is reabsorbed into the bloodstream, lungs do the job of getting rid of harmful gases! Your lungs process out those gases and make them escape when you exhale. You can't feel it because 'sulfur' (the compound that makes farts stink) doesn't last long enough once it is mixed in the bloodstream.

9.Intestinal Walls or Sphincters May Fail
In rare cases, where people have weak sphincters or intestinal walls, a strong build-up of gas may damage them. We can't really tell whether or not our digestive parts are strong enough until something terrible happens. So this is a definite risk.

10.It Causes Bloating
Unless you missed a human anatomy class in school, you would not be surprised to know that digestive system is a tube kind of thing that starts at the mouth and ends at the anus. As we said earlier, if there's anything wrong down there, it will disturb the things up above and around the stomach area. Holding in gas causes abdominal bloating, indigestion, and heartburn.

11.Farting is Nothing to be Ashamed of
You cough. You sneeze. You poop. AND... You fart! Farting is just body's natural process that's present in almost all living beings including bugs. You will be farting all round the day without even noticing. Noisy or smelly farts happen only when the body produces more gas than usual.

12.It is not a Taboo in Many Cultures
In many cultures around the world, farting is not considered a taboo. Only in the Western culture, you find people who see farting, burping or other bodily functions as a social taboo. Farting is actually a 'private and personal bodily function', and one should deal with it how they deal with other bodily functions like burping, sneezing, pooping or even having sex. Do it, but do it in private!

So, Next time you have to control your fart just look for a place with less people around and gently let it go instead of holding it in until you get back home. Keep farting and stay healthy.