12 Really Bad Puns And Jokes That Are Actually Hilarious
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 4:56 pm
By:James Fraser
Are you ready to check this stress-buster list of classic bad puns and terrible jokes? Remember, these jokes are so bad that you need to have a great sense of humor or uncontrollable laughing syndrome to laugh at them! Some of these jests are very, very offensive, and if you are someone who easily gets offended, you may not like them at all! Hey, since no one's seeing or judging you, it's okay to read these gags and have a genuine laugh. Now, read 12 bad puns or jokes that are sure to crack you up! Please note that this topic is just a collection of existing jokes and not something we purposely penned.
1.Here Comes The First Offensive Joke!
How much sex do Catholic priests get? Nun, at all!
As this topic is exclusively dedicated to bad puns and jokes, we don't think we can find any better jest than this to begin this list! It's a hilarious pun, isn't it? We agree that it's offensive, but, hey, that is what this topic is all about. Prepare yourself to read numerous terrible, dark, and offensive puns and jokes! Getting back to the point - it is one of the "punniest" jokes we have ever read. If you are a big fan of puns, you are going to love this play of words!