Medical Volunteer Reveals 14 Incidents Of Him Working In Festivals

Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 1:21 pm
By:James Fraser

Working as a volunteer at festivals and large concerts is not as boring as you might have thought. Why? It's so because you get to meet lots of people (drunk and sober) and you see many interesting things happening right in front of your eyes! Free food, beer, and small gifts are a bonus if you are nice with the booth vendors! Read these 14 interesting stories told by a medical volunteer, and you will understand why working as a volunteer is actually great, and something you should prefer doing! 
1.Vegan-friendly Condoms!

Hippy dude comes in asking for condoms.
"Do you have any that are vegan-friendly?"

Vegan-friendly Condoms!-Medical Volunteer Reveals 14 Incidents Of Him Working In Festivals

2.You Obviously Find More Beer than Water at any Festival

Try to give water to the girl on the verge of heat stroke.
"I have got more beer in my backpack." 
She was such a pleasant shade of bright pink and had stopped sweating. Apparently she had drank nothing BUT beer for two days in 90 degree weather.  On-site EMT team ran in three liters of saline on her.  

You Obviously Find More Beer than Water at any Festival-Medical Volunteer Reveals 14 Incidents Of Him Working In Festivals

3.This Happens too Often

"Friends" bring their super-tripping friend to medical and try to dump her there.
"Where do you wingnuts think you are going? Get comfortable, you two are babysitting tonight."
This happens more than I like to think about.  People come to the party with "friends", over-indulge, and think that the various volunteer teams are there to babysit while they go back to the party.  Nope, we don't have time.  Huey and Lewy got to sit in a tee-pee for five hours making sure Dewy didn't try to go running naked into the forest again.  I did hook them up with snacks and comfortable chairs though.

This Happens too Often-Medical Volunteer Reveals 14 Incidents Of Him Working In Festivals


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