12 Funny "Kid Who Needs To Fart" Memes
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 2:00 pm
By:James Fraser
As a meme buff, you may have seen the "kid who needs to fart" or "must not fart" memes numerous times. The meme shows a boy with puffy veins on his face, giving us an impression that he is trying very hard to hold in a fart. The name of the kid in the meme is Michael McGee, and this particular picture was taken by one his friends who wanted to post that on Twitter as a joke. Nearly two months after posting it on Twitter, the picture went viral! People then began using it to make hilarious memes. Here are 12 "Kid Who Needs to Fart" memes that are hilarious.
1.When She Says "Don't Stop," But You Already Cumming!
That's an accurate depiction of the situation, isn't it? Unless you are a virgin guy, you clearly know the struggle and the awkwardness of the circumstances. Hey, you don't need to leave your girl unsatisfied if you can make her cum beforehand, even before you penetrate! Engage in a lot of foreplay, give her some oral, and prepare her body to reach the point where it's possible for her to cum with just a few minutes of thrusting. Remember, as a guy; you can make your girl cum by stimulating just her clitoris!