12 Best How I Met Your Mother Memes

Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 9:18 am
By:Tony Williams

How I Met Your Mother is one of the most successful modern TV shows, thanks to its realistic characters and excellent storytelling format. The show reminds us of Friends (1994 �" 2004) and appeals the same 25 to 35 age group that had made the Friends show famous. HIMYM roles reflect an average person's personality and traits.  Millions around the world were able to see themselves in the show's leading characters like Barney Stinson, Robin Scherbatsky, Ted Mosby, and Lily Aldrin. Although we found the final few seasons of the show to be a bit emotional, How I Met Your Mother has remained a comedy entertainer overall. Look at the 12 best and funny How I Met Your Mother memes that take us back in time and remind the good olden days!
1.A valid point

Well that is a very valid point you have just made, but then it would probably end the series and that would be the end of it and these memes. On second thoughts, maybe it is best not to ask.

A valid point-12 Best How I Met Your Mother Memes

2.I want everything but that

Yep he wants everything but to be her boyfriend, but in all honesty it is the only part that is actually missing. What is it with the legs thing half way as well?

I want everything but that-12 Best How I Met Your Mother Memes

3.Well that is magic

With magic like that surely he should be in Vegas and doing his own stage show? Yes ok it is just writing on a hand, but hey everybody has to start somewhere.

Well that is magic-12 Best How I Met Your Mother Memes

4.A lovely pair of charts

Well they are a lovely pair of charts to show off and at least they do have a point to them. Let's be honest, we would do the same as well if we could.

A lovely pair of charts-12 Best How I Met Your Mother Memes

5.People in suits

Well they certainly all look rather dashing when they are suited up and it is certainly a bit different to how you are used to seeing them. Boy does Barney have some influence over them.

People in suits-12 Best How I Met Your Mother Memes

6.One step too far

Yep he has taken that one step too far and of course he has to suffer the consequences of his actions. OK throwing him out of the window is maybe a bit much, but hey it has happened, so there is not much else we can do about it.

One step too far-12 Best How I Met Your Mother Memes

7.That's a better name

Yeah you see that is a better name to give yourself rather than just captain, but perhaps he has gone over the top a little bit as well? Maybe he should have dropped the Galactic part?

That's a better name-12 Best How I Met Your Mother Memes

8.Yep that is awesome

That is undoubtedly awesome when you find yourself in this situation, but then when are we ever going to be on television and have our face in the newspaper as well. However, it was a good spot in the first place.

Yep that is awesome-12 Best How I Met Your Mother Memes

9.That Seems Fair Enough

He took a bit of time, but Ted finally catches what Lilly meant when she told him he's bigger! This epic moment belongs to "Wait for It", Episode 1 of Season 3. Marshall and Lily explain Ted how Robin had a fling with Gael. Annoyed Ted goes to Robin and accuses her of getting over the break up very soon. Robin replies to him saying she had cried for three days, and that was what led her to Gael. When frustrated Ted asks her how Gael was better than him, Robin told him, "You're bigger" - hinting Ted he has a bigger penis than Gael! Just to remind you, Enrique Iglesias portrayed the Gael character.

That Seems Fair Enough-12 Best How I Met Your Mother Memes


10.A cutting remark

Yep that is what you call a cutting remark and it is one that is going to run deep. However, why would anybody call their child Batman in the first place?

A cutting remark-12 Best How I Met Your Mother Memes

11.Yeah you cannot go

Yep he has a point here because if it is all about wedding dresses and wearing them, then he does have one disadvantage. The problem here is that there is absolutely nothing he can do about it either.

Yeah you cannot go-12 Best How I Met Your Mother Memes

12.Star Wars

Well you have to admit that he does have a point here because who on this planet has not seen Star Wars at some point in their life? They must be an alien themselves if that is the case.

Star Wars-12 Best How I Met Your Mother Memes



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