12 Hilarious Wat Memes That Will Make Your Day
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 12:49 pm
By:James Fraser
"Wat" is an English slang word that is often used to express feelings of surprise, uncertainty, and confusion. "Wat" is like a polite variant of the expressions such as WTF or WTH. In the meme world, the word, "wat," is often accompanied by a picture. There are many Wat memes on the internet, but the one with an old woman's picture is famous. As a meme fan, perhaps, you don't need any special introduction about "Wat Grandma." The toothless granny is one of the most recognizable first generation memes and reaction pictures. Have a look at these 12 Wat memes that we think are hilarious.
1.This "Wat" Question!
Apparently, a random guy seeks help from the internet as he says he accidentally peed inside his girlfriend's vagina! One can't accidentally flood a girl's meaty cave, can they? If a guy feels like he is about to leak the wrong fluid, he can pull his tool out in a fraction of a second. This gross case of urination during sex happens only when a man intentionally does it or when he has some serious bladder issues. Well, we almost forgot to mention that epic pun, "Looks like urine trouble!" Everything including the question, answer, and the Wat Grandma's reaction is funny in this meme!