12 Hilarious Pokémon Memes That Will Make Your Day
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 12:21 pm
By:James Fraser
If you were a fan of Pokémon when you were a kid, the chances are high that you remain a fan even though you have grown older! When Nintendo released "Pokémon Go" a year ago, it was we, the younger adults, flocked public parks searching for Pokémon. What we are trying to tell you, though, is that one is never too old for Pokémon! Let's spend the next few minutes of our lives checking these funny Pokémon memes. They are hilarious, and we are sure you are going to love them. Pokémon memes - Gotta see em' all!
1.Why Does Charmander Have Noodles On His Head?
First of all, that's not a Charmander - that's a Dragonite! Second, of all, those weird things on Dragonite's head are not noodles, but a kind of antennae that we usually see on the heads of some insects. Lastly, that person who confused Dragonite with Charmander is a complete Pokemon noob! That Professor Farnsworth's meme neatly depicts an average Pokemon fan's reaction to noobs! It's okay to be a Pokemon amateur, but one can't hang around being called an amateur all the time!