12 Hilarious Overwatch Memes That Are Sure To Make You Lol
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 12:03 pm
By:James Fraser
In May 2016, Blizzard Entertainment released the team-based and first-person multiplayer shooter game, Overwatch. With over 25 million players, Overwatch has emerged as one of the most played first person shooter games in the recent times. What's great about the video game, though, is that it just took less than a year to grow a huge player base across all gaming platforms. Anything that is famous or infamous turns into memes these days, so, unsurprisingly, there are tens of funny Overwatch memes on the internet. Have a look at some of those hilarious memes about Overwatch.
1.So Sherriff Woody Is McCree?
Now, that's interesting! More than Woody, Don't you think McCree looks identical to Clint Eastwood in his Western movies? As McCree is an American cowboy, he bears a resemblance to many similar characters such as Woody and all those Western roles Clint Eastwood played. In our opinion, McCree looks a lot like Ray McCall from "Call of Juarez." McCree does look terrific, but when it comes to the gameplay, he is not the best. We didn't mean to say McCree is a useless character! You just need to be extremely good at aiming to win a game with McCree.