12 Hilarious Letters Ever Written To Santa Claus
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 10:15 am
Millions of kids around the world write letters to Santa asking for toys, dolls, Xboxes, and what not! While most children write the letters in a very polite tone, some tiny tots take the funny, rude, or embarrassing route to write to Santa. Gone are the days where you have to be very polite to Santa Claus and even your family to get best Christmas presents. The kids of this generation are growing up very faster. They are very demanding. Read these 12 funny letters to Santa. You will understand how dull and boring your childhood was!
#7 Gimme Lady Gaga Santa!
Santa must have missed the memo telling people not to mess with die-hard Lady Gaga fans. Tommy refuses to give up on his dream. He's been asking for a Gag doll for two years, but he keeps getting baseball items instead. Tommy is now fed-up and isn't afraid to harm Santa if he doesn't get his doll.
