12 Hilarious Lesbian Memes That Are Sure To Make You Lol
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 11:51 am
By:James Fraser
We live in a diverse world. Gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, pansexuals, etc. - whoever they are, they have just chosen to be different when it comes to sexuality. Homosexuality is something that has existed since the dawn of humankind, so it isn't a weird sexual practice or a social culture made up by modern humans. Similarly, homophobia has existed for a long time. Being straight, gay, or even a homophobic is a personal choice. As long as we are not disrespectful or rude to others, it is perfectly fine to have a strong opinion on something. The world would be a perfect place if people coexisted peacefully without trying to prove each other wrong. Anyway, as we are here to discuss lesbian memes, let's talk only about lesbians! Following are some funny lesbian memes that are intended make you laugh. Have a look at them now!
1.This Hot Lesbian Meme!
Who in the world cares about that guy! What we have here in the picture is two smoking hot chicks kissing each other! And that is clearly the only thing that matters. Hey, don't you think lesbians are little less hated than their male counterparts? A lot of people find lesbians kind of cute! Some guys don't even mind their girlfriends being bisexual because the chances of engaging in a threesome on a drunken night are extremely high! Not all lesbians look hot, though.