12 Hilarious Lesbian Jokes That Will Make You Cry With Laughter
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 7:14 am
By:James Fraser
ONLY jokes - we hope you didn't misread the title in a hurry! As the title suggests, you are about to read some lesbian jokes! Note: If you are squeamish, we strongly recommend you stay away from these jokes as you may find the humor on this topic offending. These jokes are only meant for fun, and this topic isn't a subtle attempt to insult or shame lesbians. We love lesbians! In fact, we love good people irrespective of their race, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Now, it's time we read these hilarious lesbian jokes! Jump right in!
1.Here Goes The First
Why was the lesbian sick? She lacked the vitamin D!
We don't think we can come up with a better lesbian joke than this to begin this topic! Isn't this joke making sense perfectly? Now, what should that sick lesbian do to feel better again? Should she start swallowing those tiny pills of vitamin D?! Forget it; she won't do that. She may; However, fancy eating fish, drinking milk, and slurping juice to be healthy and empowered again!