12 Most Embarrassing Yet Hilarious Facebook Posts You'll Ever Read

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 8:33 am
By:Tony Williams

Facebook has become a kind of virtual world. Sadly, many people have stopped living in reality! Be it happiness, misery, emotions, or even idiocy, people just express it on Facebook in the form of a status message or a comment. We all love checking  updates from our friends on Facebook, but we also need to admit that sometimes the dumb, stupid, embarrassing, and pointless posts by some of our friends just turn us off. Take a look at 12 such awkward and embarrassing Facebook posts that will surely crack you up!

Oh dear, imagine your erection problems being put on public display like this. Of course they meant for this to be in a private message, but it is seriously funny especially when you discover it is from one teacher to another.

Viagra-12 Most Embarrassing Yet Hilarious Facebook Posts You'll Ever Read

Sometimes your sexual preferences really should not be put onto Facebook as this status shows. OK so they may have been the victim of a prank, but to then have your mother comment and also describe how she loves anal, well that really is something else.

Anal-12 Most Embarrassing Yet Hilarious Facebook Posts You'll Ever Read


Clearly this is not embarrassing for the person posting it, but instead is embarrassing for the person that they are talking about in the first place. Is there a better way to announce to the world that somebody does indeed have herpes? Is this not what Facebook was made for?

Herpes-12 Most Embarrassing Yet Hilarious Facebook Posts You'll Ever Read
