12 Hilarious Animal Puns That Will Make You Lol
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 4:08 pm
By:James Fraser
An email puns are funny! Didn't you get that? Boy, you have to be a lot sharper than that to understand the punnery on this topic! We know a lot of you peeps enjoy reading puns. We are aware puns as rare as diamonds, and the chances are high that you may have read all the puns that exist in our world. We didn't take a trip to another galaxy to discover some extraterrestrial puns, but we plowed the internet deep to find some exceptional and incredibly fresh puns - animal puns! Now read the first sentence. Done doing that? Now check these 12 hilarious animal puns!
1.Iguana Tap It, But I Have A Reptile Dysfunction
A lot of guys these days have reptile dysfunction as the earthworms in their pants refuse to metamorphose into King Cobras or Black Mambas! Oops, did we just say reptile dysfunction? What we meant to say was erectile dysfunction. We know projectile malfunction is a terrible health condition, and it's not a good thing to make fun of men with infertile midsection! Don't even try to poke fun at them even if they are UP to accepting your bland humor with a smiling face.