12 Hilarious Animal Memes That Will Make Lol
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 12:23 pm
By:James Fraser
Memes are like the digital version of fries! No matter how many you eat, you still feel like eating more. If you are a meme lover, the chances are high that you have already seen tens of hundreds of them on the internet. We know you are hungry for more! That is why we decided to deliver your daily dose of meme fun to you and came up with this unique animal memes topic. Cats, dogs, tigers, bears, pandas, and many more animals are all set to make you laugh! Check these 12 hilarious animal memes right now!
1.This Poor Fat Dog
"Are you mocking me? Cuz I feel like I'm being mocked!"
Since dogs are the friendliest animals, we chose a dog meme to begin the topic! Cat lovers; please don't try to argue with us. Your beloved cats have representation on this list too! Getting back to the topic - the corgi in the picture looks too cute to be ignored. If you are a corgi owner, you already know the kind of looks your corgi gives to you just to grab those treats from you! Corgis aren't the skinniest of dogs, so corgis of that size are quite common.