12 Funny Weed Memes That Are Sure To Get Your Sense Of Humor High
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 1:27 pm
By:James Fraser
Weed is one of the most famous recreational drugs. Weed Smokers often say that it is the safest drug in the world, and they even assert that cannabis is a lot safer than tobacco and alcohol. They even provide stats to prove that weed isn't as dangerous as cigarettes or liquor when it comes to damaging health. Marijuana crusaders even argue that pot scores a lot less than even coffee in terms of addiction. As you all know, the world is clearly divided into two groups when it comes to supporting or rejecting legal status to weed. Let them fight, and meanwhile, take a look at these 12 hilarious weed memes!
1.Weed Vs. Cigarettes
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly 480,000 people die annually in the United States because of cigarette smoking. Second-hand smoke is responsible for 40,000 deaths, and that means smoking is directly responsible for more than half a million dead in the United States alone. Smoking kills more than 6 million people worldwide, and CDC estimates that the death toll will rise to 8 million a year by 2030. On the other hand, an individual is highly unlikely to die of a THC (marijuana) overdose. Several kinds of research found out that pot is not as dangerous as tobacco when it comes to being carcinogenic. And yes, weed is a lot safer than tobacco and alcohol!