12 Funny Waiting Skeleton Memes
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 11:46 am
By:James Fraser
Be it waiting for your partner who said they would show up in five minutes, expecting a rise in your salary, growth in business, or even waiting for a right partner; every one of us waits for someone or something, and that's an essential part of life. Sometimes, things never happen at all despite months or even years of waiting. The meme community uses a skeleton to describe such situations, and what you are about to see now are a bunch of such funny waiting skeleton memes.
10.Still Waiting To See The Doctor!
This is a universal problem, isn't it? Even if you book your appointment a couple of months before, you still have to deal with the wait time. That's not the fault of hospitals, though. Depending upon the complexity of the case, an average doctor has to spend anywhere between 15 minutes to 1 hour or even more with a patient, figuring out the problem and working on a solution. Isn't it better to wait patiently at a hospital that takes the time to answer patients' queries than going to the one that rushes through appointments?