15 Hilarious Tweets About Adulthood That Will Make You Lol

Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 4:43 pm
By:James Fraser

Leading an adult's life is not all that easy, especially when you are not really ready to become one. When you are a child, you always hope to become an adult as soon as you can, to enjoy all the freedom in the world. However, when you grow up, you realize the life isn't exactly what you hoped for. Here are fifteen tweets from people who show you the real side of living an adult's life.
1.This Universal Problem

Unless you are rich, you can't skip laundry or doing dishes. Many people can connect to this girl's tweet. Most adults, particularly those who are single and living alone, don't do laundry until they completely run out of dresses. Some people don't even mind wearing unwashed clothes, given the fact that doing laundry is one of the most boring tasks.

This Universal Problem-15 Hilarious Tweets About Adulthood That Will Make You Lol

2.People Can't Stop Judging You

As an adult, you are subject to intense judging. You may think you have escaped from your family members or friends, but you are being watched continuously. This tweet is the best example how most people think. If you are not successful, you are not doing enough. If you are successful, you are just lucky!

People Can't Stop Judging You-15 Hilarious Tweets About Adulthood That Will Make You Lol

3.This is Life

After reading this tweet, you should care your exams and education. If you can't control your life in the beginning stages of your adulthood, you are not going to get a control on it anytime soon. As an adult, you may go through many difficulties that easily put your life out of order. Do you know? There are many people out there, who are fighting to get their lives back on track, So never feel alone.

This is Life-15 Hilarious Tweets About Adulthood That Will Make You Lol


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