12 Funny Star Trek Memes That Are Make Your Day
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 1:14 pm
By:James Fraser
With a net worth of approximately $4 billion, Star Trek is one of the most successful entertainment franchises in the world. Most of our parents grew up watching Star Trek TOS, and a lot of them passed the culture down to their family line. If you are a big fan of the franchise, perhaps, you already know how Star Trek isn't just a story about alien life but a metaphor for technology, communication, and international politics. Most Star Trek fans aren't very young, so you don't find too many Star Trek Memes on the Internet. So, here is a hilarious collection of 12 memes about Star Trek that are funny and not highly illogical!
1.Tasha Yar - Yasha Tar
Natasha Yar a.k.a. Tasha Yar was a Starfleet officer of human origin. She was also the USS Enterprise-D chief security. Tasha was inarguably one of the most beautiful women of Star Trek, and as you may know, American actress Denise Crosby portrayed the character. Apparently, Tasha Yar's name created a funny and witty anagram, Yasha Tar! Hey, can you identify that Tar-like second character in the meme? Yeah, Armus. It's an evil entity that belongs to unknown species, and its liquid-like body can take any shape including that of a human's.