12 Funny Sleep Memes That Will Make Your Day
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 11:31 am
By:James Fraser
Every human being on this planet requires eight hours of sleep a day for optimum health and maximum productivity. Most of us find it difficult to sleep for the entire eight hours a day because of our busy and technology-ridden lifestyles. Sleeping for six to seven hours a day and then compensating the lost hours during the weekend is an ideal alternative, but people won't do that either. Many of us hardly sleep for five hours a day. Trust us; those bad sleeping habits are going to haunt you soon by giving you a boatload of health problems. Check these funny sleep memes that neatly sum up the sleep struggles of modern people!
1.I Don't Usually Sleep, But When I Do I Can't Wake Up!
Sleep deprivation is a serious problem that is plaguing the whole of the younger generation. Many people can't go to bed early in the night, and they can't wake up early in the morning. By staying up late in the night, many people are disturbing their body's natural clock. If you sleep early, you wake up early. If you go to bed at 3 AM, your body will be in a sleep mode at least for the next seven to eight hours. It is the reason why most night owls can't wake up in the morning, and if they force themselves to wake up, they just look dazed and groggy.