15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 6:01 pm
By:James Fraser
"Would you rather" is an exciting and interactive conversational game usually played at parties or social gatherings. As you may know, the objective of this game is to put the respondent in a dilemma by making them answer a question that has either two good or two bad options. Would you rather have the ability to fly or power to become invisible? A question like this confuses an average person, as it is indeed a tough choice to make. Now try to answer this question. Would you rather sleep with your partner's best friend or your best friend's partner? Mind you; one can't say NO to a "Would you rather" question! Do you want to read more such questions? Go ahead and read these 15 funniest "Would you rather" questions then.
13.What'll Be Your Choice?
Would you rather shit bricks or puke slugs?
Puking slugs seems to be a good idea! It sucks, but at least it's not going to hurt you badly. Hey, have you watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? Do you remember that scene where Ron Weasley accidentally curses himself and starts throwing up slugs? Yuck! It's not a pretty sight, but as we said before, puking slugs is much better than getting your rear ripped by those bricks! What do you think?