12 Funny Monday Memes That Will Brighten Your Monday
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 12:48 pm
By:James Fraser
Monday is when you get back to work after a happy weekend. Monday is when you need to be responsible and act like an adult again. Millions of people around the world hate Mondays because for the reasons mentioned above. The story is different for entrepreneurs and businesspersons, though. For them, every day is a Monday! Now take a look at these 12 hilarious Monday memes that sum up how badly people hate the first day of the week!
1.This Funny Astronomical Comparison
"One day on Mercury lasts approximately 1408 hours, the same as Monday on Earth."
Mondays are depressing! It isn't just a mere statement; a scientific study backs the argument. Talking about this meme, it compares Monday on Earth to a typical day on Mercury. As you know, one day is nothing but one complete rotation of a planet around its axis. Mercury rotates very slowly. Earth completes one rotation in 24 hours whereas Mercury takes approximately 58 days, 15 hours, and 30 minutes. Days on Mercury are pretty long, just like our Mondays!