12 Funny Mexican Word Of The Day Memes

Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 5:59 pm
By:James Fraser

Mexican Word of the Day memes were viral during the last quarter of 2016, and they were among the most shared memes of 2016. The memes have a Mexican guy (Merry Mexican) with a big hat in the background and hilarious play on words in the foreground. If you love wordplay, you are absolutely going to love Mexican Word of the Day memes! The play on words on these memes is too good to miss out. Have a look at these 12 hilarious Mexican Word of the Day memes that make you laugh instantly!
1.Mexican Word Of The Day: Mushroom

"When my whole family gets in the car, there's not mushroom." 
Did you get the joke? No? Okay, let us reveal it. The word "mushroom" here sounds like "much room." The meme's actual meaning is, "when my whole family gets in the car, there's not much room." Mexican-English does sound a little weird, and all these memes are based on the Mexicans inability to pronounce words correctly. Hey, keep scrolling to find more such funny Mexican Word of the Day memes. 

Mexican Word Of The Day: Mushroom-12 Funny Mexican Word Of The Day Memes

2.Mexican Word Of The Day: Juicy

"Tell me if juicy the cops." 
The term "juicy" here refers to "you see," so the meme actually means, "Tell me if you see the cops." Most Mexicans aren't going to love this meme because it is not only making fun of their foreign language speaking skills but also talking about the Mexican crime stereotype. Anyway, these memes are meant for fun, but not to hurt anyone. In fact, most memes on the internet are rude toward some or the other community. 

Mexican Word Of The Day: Juicy-12 Funny Mexican Word Of The Day Memes

3.Mexican Word Of The Day: Cheat

"My friend Hector just told me a joke, and I laughed so hard I almost cheat my pants." 
You should get this joke right away! Oh yes, it means, "My friend Hector just told me a joke, and I laughed so hard I almost sh*t my pants." Do really people poop their pants while laughing hard? Yes, there is a possibility! Laughing relaxes many muscles in our body including the muscles that control bowel moments. Laughing way too hard relaxes those muscles to the extent that poop sometimes escapes out! Besides laughing, cough, sneezing, etc. too can make one poop their pants! 

Mexican Word Of The Day: Cheat-12 Funny Mexican Word Of The Day Memes


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