12 Funny Mexican Word Of The Day Memes
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 5:59 pm
By:James Fraser
Mexican Word of the Day memes were viral during the last quarter of 2016, and they were among the most shared memes of 2016. The memes have a Mexican guy (Merry Mexican) with a big hat in the background and hilarious play on words in the foreground. If you love wordplay, you are absolutely going to love Mexican Word of the Day memes! The play on words on these memes is too good to miss out. Have a look at these 12 hilarious Mexican Word of the Day memes that make you laugh instantly!
1.Mexican Word Of The Day: Mushroom
"When my whole family gets in the car, there's not mushroom."
Did you get the joke? No? Okay, let us reveal it. The word "mushroom" here sounds like "much room." The meme's actual meaning is, "when my whole family gets in the car, there's not much room." Mexican-English does sound a little weird, and all these memes are based on the Mexicans inability to pronounce words correctly. Hey, keep scrolling to find more such funny Mexican Word of the Day memes.

2.Mexican Word Of The Day: Juicy
"Tell me if juicy the cops."
The term "juicy" here refers to "you see," so the meme actually means, "Tell me if you see the cops." Most Mexicans aren't going to love this meme because it is not only making fun of their foreign language speaking skills but also talking about the Mexican crime stereotype. Anyway, these memes are meant for fun, but not to hurt anyone. In fact, most memes on the internet are rude toward some or the other community.

3.Mexican Word Of The Day: Cheat
"My friend Hector just told me a joke, and I laughed so hard I almost cheat my pants."
You should get this joke right away! Oh yes, it means, "My friend Hector just told me a joke, and I laughed so hard I almost sh*t my pants." Do really people poop their pants while laughing hard? Yes, there is a possibility! Laughing relaxes many muscles in our body including the muscles that control bowel moments. Laughing way too hard relaxes those muscles to the extent that poop sometimes escapes out! Besides laughing, cough, sneezing, etc. too can make one poop their pants!

4.Mexican Word Of The Day: Blueberry
"The roof of my house is gone, that wind blueberry hard."
This hilarious Mexican Word of the Day meme sends us into a fit of laughter instantly! Hey, by the way, did you get that word? Blueberry? Well, it means, "blew very" actually. Now read that whole thing again. It should sound like, "The roof of my house is gone, that wind blew very hard!" Very funny, isn't it?

5.Mexican Word Of The Day: Seizure
"Mija, jur not going out like dat. I can seizure ass hanging out that skirt you hoochie."
We have one more funny Mexican Word of the Day meme here! The word here is "seizure," and apparently, it is supposed to sound more like "see your." Let us rewrite the whole sentence again for you. "Mija, jur not going out like dat. I can see your ass hanging out that skirt, you hoochie!" It sounds hilarious, right? The next meme is even more hilarious. Just scroll down to see it.

6.Mexican Word Of The Day: Mustache
"Mariah, please, I mustache you a question."
How funny is that?! Didn't you get the joke already? "Mariah, please, I mustache (must ask) you a question." Now you should understand this funny meme. For us, this meme is the best one on the topic. Mexican men have an intense obsession for mustache, and that makes this meme even more special from the rest. The younger-generation Mexicans are shaving off their facial hair, but most of the older generation Mexican males still keep a thick mustache.

7.Mexican Word Of The Day: U.S. Mail
"Man, wipe your ass, U.S. Mail like dog sh*t."
Now, this meme is disgusting and hilarious! U.S. Mail = You Smell, so the whole sentence really means, "Man, wipe your ass, you smell like dog sh*t." Who in the world doesn't wipe their ass?! Oh man, that just sounds very nasty. Hey, keep scrolling… we have a few more funny Mexican Word of the Day memes left on this topic to check!

8.Mexican Word Of The Day: Chicken Finger
"My wife said she doesn't need me anymore, chicken finger herself!"
Chicken finger? What chicken finger? Well, well, well, if you don't understand what the chicken finger is, your mind perhaps isn't that dirty! Now reread the whole sentence. "My wife said she doesn't need me anymore; she can finger herself!" The big question to be asked here is, so this guy just fingers her and does nothing more?!

9.Mexican Word Of The Day: Bishop
"Can someone please shut this bishop?!"
Guess who made this meme? Definitely not Mexicans! Trump fans might have done this to insult Hillary Clinton hilariously. "Can someone please shut this b*tch up?" is what this meme actually means. It may or may not sound funny if you think from a political perspective, but the wordplay in the meme is impressive! Hey, keep your focus on those words, not persons!

10.Mexican Word Of The Day: Wheelchair
"Me and Juan only have one taco, that's okay wheelchair!"
Now that you have seen a bunch of Mexican Word of the Day memes, you should understand this funny meme straightaway! "Wheelchair" is "We'll share," so the meme is meant to sound like, "Me and Juan only have once taco, that's okay, we'll share!" This one too is one of the best memes of the topic. Do you agree?

11.Mexican Word Of The Day: Body Wash
"I wanted to go to the club tonight, but no body wash my kids."
It doesn't mean what it looks like! It isn't body washing and stuff, this meme simply means, "I wanted to go to the club tonight, but nobody watches my kids." These Mexican Word of the Day memes aren't an entirely new invention. They are a part of "Merry Mexican" meme series, which has been there since 2011.

12.Mexican Word Of The Day: Cheese
"Juanita likes me but cheese ugly."
Here comes the last meme of the topic! Like all the other ones on this subject, this Juanita meme is hilarious. "Juanita likes me, but she's ugly." "She's" is "cheese" there on the meme, and that just sounds very funny. These memes are about a play on words, so if you give it a thought, you can create some hilarious Mexican Word of the Day memes as well. Need more Mexican stuff? Check out our hilarious Mexican Jokes list.
