12 Funny Jesus Memes That Will Make You Lol
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 11:51 am
By:James Fraser
We, humans, are witty enough to make jokes about pretty much anything from race, religion, God to people. Hey, it's okay to read God jokes because Jesus or any other God that we know doesn't send us to hell for doing so! Jesus only hates you when you do bad things, hurt others, commit crimes, etc. Hence what you are about to go through now isn't a deliberate act of sacrilege, but a bunch of jokes that makes an average individual laugh. Here are 12 Jesus Christ memes that are hilarious!
1.Was Inside Of Mary Before Jesus!
Apparently, this meme is referring to Jesus Christ's virginal birth. As you all know, Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Christ, a doctrine that atheists refuse to accept. No God-fearing or church-going parent believes their daughter when she tells them she is pregnant but claims she is still a virgin! However, they affirm Christ's birth anyway! Funny, but that's how most of our religions work! Anyway, the hippie Jesus here in the picture looks cool, isn't he?