12 Funny Hits Blunt Memes That Will Send You In The Thinking Mode
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 11:39 am
By:James Fraser
Hits Blunt memes have become very popular lately. As you may know, the memes use photos of black guys who seem to be high on weed and raise funny yet thought-provoking questions. Hits Blunt memes are hilarious, and they are fascinating to read as well. Each Hits Blunt meme has an issue that sends you into a thinking mode instantly! Those questions do sound valid when you first read them, but most of them are very silly. Check these 12 hilarious Hits Blunt memes. Bonus: All those tricky Hits Blunt questions have been answered!
1.Sand Is Called Sand
"Do you think sand is called sand because it's between the sea and land?!"
That's a hilarious question! Hey, but sand exists on the banks of oceans, rivers, lakes, and many water bodies as well. Hence, that isn't the reason behind the etymology of the English word, "sand." Since English is a West Germanic language, many of the English words have deeper roots to the German language. Interestingly, "sand" is called "sand" in German as well. A hilarious Hits Blunt meme, nonetheless!