15 Hilarious Texts From Dads
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 1:47 pm
By:James Fraser
Dads are really, really, cool, Aren't they? We all love our dads. If someone ever dislike their dad, it is because they are cooler than them and often dominate them with sarcasm, quick wit and a great sense of humor. Here are fifteen texts from smart, intelligent, dumb and all kinds of dads that make you laugh.
1.This Dad Hates Men
Damn autocorrect! Some autocorrect fails are so hilarious that they go viral on the internet. This is one of those autocorrect fail pictures. This time, it happened between a dad and his daughter. As you can see from the image, the dad there was thinking his daughter is a lesbian, as 'Laundry' was autocorrected as 'Lauren'.