12 Funniest Geeky Panties Ever Made

Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 12:31 pm
By:Tony Williams

Why girls tend to be so choosy even when they buy panties? It's just an undergarment, right? Not many people are going to see it either! Men, on the other hand, care only about the size while buying a boxer or a brief. According to this report published by NBC News, an average man changes his brief once in seven years. Yes, SEVEN long years! We know girls are very selective, and we really don't have a problem with that! In fact, we are here to give them panty-buying advice by showing these 12 funny and geeky panties!

#12 Truly Geeky Panties

Let's begin this list with this geeky panties! The panties are indeed very creative, and perfectly suit any girl who has restricted access to her body and wants to keep unwanted admirers at bay!  Apparently, the text on the panties reads as "Unobtainium". It is a fictional element created by engineering geeks to refer an extremely rare, pricey, or imaginary element. Unobtainium is something the geeks can't obtain because of the factors mentioned above. In addition to panties, the word is commonly seen on t-shirts as well.

Truly Geeky Panties-12 Funniest Geeky Panties Ever Made

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