15 Hilarious Blonde Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 4:11 pm
By:James Fraser
How pale hair and intelligence are connected? Why are blondes often perceived as less intelligent? Let's debunk the age-old blonde stereotype now. Men have always considered pale-haired women hot. Blondes used to be so popular in the olden days that an average successful man would pick a blonde over a brunette or ginger to marry. The offensive blonde stereotype originated a few hundred years ago when people started reproving blondes saying they use their physical appearance more than their intelligence to move up ranks in life. Thanks to the likes of Paris Hilton, the blonde stereotype has never been dead. Let's end the lecture here, and quickly read 15 hilarious blonde jokes that will make you laugh out loud!
1.What Does IDK Stand For?
2.Trapped on an Island
A blonde, brunette and redhead were trapped on an island. The nearest shore was 50 miles away. The brunette swam for 15 miles, drowned and died. The redhead swam for 20 miles, drowned and died. The blonde swam for 25 miles, got tired, and swam all the way back to the island!

3.Blonde and the Blinker
A guy was travelling in a car with a blonde. He asked her to stick her head out of the window to see if the blinker was working. The girl stuck her head out and said, "Yes, no, yes, no, yes no, yes... no..."

4.When Was Oxygen Discovered?
In a science class, a professor told the class that oxygen was discovered in 1772. The blonde immediately replied, "Thank god, I was born after 1772!"

5.Blonde and Jigsaw Puzzle
Brunette: Hey, what's up? You look so excited today!
Blonde: Oh yes, I finished a jigsaw puzzle!
Brunette: What's so special in it?
Blonde: The box says 2 - 4 years, but I finished in 6 months!

6.Where's the Dead Bird?
A blonde and her boyfriend were walking in a park. The boyfriend said, "Hey look, there's a dead bird." The blonde immediately looked up in the sky, and asked him "Where???"

7.Where Does this Blonde Wants to Go?
Three girls were discussing about space. One of them said, "If I ever go to space, I would go to Mars, find a Martian, marry him and settle there. Where do you people want to go?" The second girl said she would love going to Pluto. The third girl, who happened to be a blonde, said, she would go to the Sun. The two girls asked her if she wants to die or something to which the blonde replied, "No, I will go in the night."

8.Where Were You Born?
Redhead: Hey, where were you born?
Blonde: In the United States, of course...
Redhead: I mean, which part?
Blonde: My whole body was born here.

9.I'm Afraid I Couldn't Breath!
A blonde and a brunette were living together. One day, when brunette came back home after work, she saw the blonde tying a rope around her waist. The confused brunette asked the blonde why she was doing that. The blonde replied, "I wanted to commit suicide." "You are supposed to put that rope around your neck," the brunette replied. The blonde said, "I tried, but I'm afraid I couldn't breathe."

10.Six Please!
A waiter asked a blonde if she wants to cut her pizza into six pieces or twelve. The blonde replied, "Six please. Do you really think I can eat 12 pieces? That's way too much food."

11.Blonde and Brunette Friends at a Bar
A blonde and a brunette went to a bar after work to drink beer. The two sat in chairs and were watching 6 O'clock news. In the news, a man was shown threatening to jump from Brooklyn Bridge.
Brunette: He will jump. I will give you $50 if I'm wrong
Blonde: I'm in. He will not.
The man jumped from the bridge. The blonde gave $50 to the brunette, but she refused to take the money.
Brunette: You are my friend. I can't cheat you. I saw this in the morning news.
Blonde: Well, I saw too. I thought he will not jump again. I thought he will not do the same mistake again.

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12.Blonde and Flock of Sheep
A dumb blonde who was tired of being made fun of, decided to dye her hair brown. One day she saw a flock of sheep and a farmer while driving down a country road. She stopped the car, walked toward the farmer and asked if he could give her a sheep if she manages to count them all correctly. The farmer agreed. There were 127 sheep. She was right. As asked earlier, she picked a sheep and got back into her car.
The farmer came running toward the car and said, "If I can guess the real color of your hair, can I get my dog back?"

13.A Blonde Journalist
Police arrested a blonde journalist for trying to kill a politician midair in a helicopter while interviewing him. The police asked her why she tried to switch off the helicopter engine. The blonde replied, "I don't know. It was too cold up in the air. I just wanted to switch off the fan above us."

14.What are Some Greatest Blonde Inventions?
So what are the three greatest blonde inventions ever?
1. A submarine door
2. A water-proof towel
3. Ejector seat in a helicopter

15.Why Blondes Laugh So Much on Monday?
So, why do blondes laugh so much on Mondays?
They hear a lot of jokes on Friday nights while hanging out with their friends.

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