15 Desperate F*** Boys Who Are Just After One Thing
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 4:53 pm
By:James Fraser
We see many idiots around us. Some of them are truly douches. F***boys are a different kind of men. They are the most perverted people you ever meet in your life. Girls, you know at least one f***boy in your circle who doesn't stop bothering you.
A f***boy is someone who doesn't stop asking known or unknown women to send nude pics, or who doesn't stop sending his di*k pics. A f***boy is a guy who has a perverted mind and he can't thinking about sex anytime.
1.This guy Who is a Wannabe Arnold Schwarzenegger
This picture perfectly defines a such guys! guys live in their own world, constantly thinking of themselves, as well as sex. Such guys usually have attention disorders! They don't hear or care what you tell them. In the picture, you can clearly see how that guy was talking something else instead of answering the girl's question.