12 Funny Caveman SpongeBob/ Spongegar Memes
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 1:54 pm
By:James Fraser
Caveman SpongeBob or Primitive SpongeBob or Spongegar was one of the most popular memes of 2016. The meme is a depiction of SpongeBob SquarePants's ancient ancestor, Primitive SpongeBob. The prehistoric SpongeBob character first appeared on Season 1 Episode 14a, "SB-129," in 1999. People often confuse Primitive or Cavemen SpongeBob with another old character of the show, SpongeGar. Contrary to popular belief, Caveman SpongeBob and SpongeGar are not the same. Now, check these 12 truly hilarious SpongeBob Memes!
1.When You Are Playing Hide-and-Seek
"When you're playing hide n seek but haven't found a spot yet, and you hear, 'Ready or not, here I come!'"
Ah, this meme reminds us our good old childhood days! Isn't it? We all had those moments of unpreparedness while playing hide-and-seek, and were triggered and panicked by the screams of the seeker! Well, if you observe, we haven't really stopped playing hide-n-seek even though we have grown older. Problems keep telling us, "Ready or not, here I come," and often end up finding no way to escape them!