15 Punctuation Fails That Went Horribly And Hilariously Wrong
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 11:06 pm
By:James Fraser
Grammar in any language is there for a reason, and one simply can’t ignore. Punctuation is an important part of grammar, without which many sentences make no sense at all. What if people just skip punctuation rules, and go on writing any old incoherent mess? Here are 15 punctuation fails that went hilariously wrong.
1.Hiring Cinnamon Rolls
When you need to convey two different messages, use punctuation. If you don’t, it will read something like this Burger King board, which is asking ‘cinnamon rolls’ to apply for a job. Are you a cinnamon roll? Do you want a job? Anyone who would like to be a new cinnamon roll can apply.

2.Maybe They Retaliate?
This is why you need to punctuate. This poorly written board instantly turns an animal/bird hunting ground into one for humans. This board asks hunters to be cautions when hunting pedestrians using walking trails.

3.Cooking Dog and Family for Dinner
This is a double punctuation fail, where the writer turns Rachael Ray into a creepy chef that cooks dogs and humans. This is a hilarious punctuation fail. When it is a magazine cover, and you are talking about a celebrity, you need to be little careful with your writing, dear writer.

4.When Not Being Able to Eat Diarrhea is a Complaint
Never ever skip punctuation marks. We are told, right? Watch this patient or healthcare assistant who made a statement completely horrible and disgusting by skipping a punctuation mark in the right place. What does the doctor think about this absurd complaint? He thinks it’s all perfect, because eating diarrhea is never an easy thing.

5.Where on Earth You Will Find Disabled Elderly Pregnant Children?
This is another punctuation fail that went miserably wrong. This isn’t just a fail, this is a horrible mistake. This poorly written message is asking only disabled elderly pregnant children to use the toilet. Where on earth do you find such kids? This is hilarious and inappropriate at the same time.

6.He Made His Poor Grandpa Gay
The guy here just made an already inappropriate message become nasty with his horrible grammar. We feel sorry for this grandpa. If the grandpa ever sees this message, he would kick his grandson’s backside not because of his neglect, but thanks to poor grammar.

7.Is He Throwing a Challenge to the NYPD?
It certainly looks like this person is challenging law enforcement officials to come and see him, as he is about to kill someone. This is one of the better punctuation fails. We really hope this message didn’t place that guy, or girl in any kind of trouble.

8.Comma Sutra. This Guy Loves Fucking College Guys
Never miss a comma. You will end up like this guy who posted a Facebook status message that reads he love fucking college guys. While he may or may not love doing guys, it is evident from his message that this guy never learned how to use a comma.

9.Inappropriate Use of Exclamation Mark
Unnecessary usage of punctuation is bad too. We have this lady here showing how not to use an exclamation mark. She may not mean that, but the sign actually reads as if she wants more rape. This is funny and inappropriate on so many levels.

10.This Place Must be a Wonderland
If not in wonderland, where actually do you find parasailing horses and buggies? Jokes aside, this is another punctuation fail that has messed up the whole message. Always use a comma, or you will be creating wonderlands like these.

11.A Severely Handicapped State
People will read this name board in this way only, as there is no punctuation whatsoever. A period, or some sort of formatting would have made this read better. Nevertheless, it is a funny punctuation fail, and worth a strong mention.

12.Slow Children at Play
Is this a no entry board for bullies? What exactly do they mean by slow children at play? Oh yea, right. This was a punctuation fail. Some kind of punctuation could have saved this board from total embarrassment.

13.He or She is Advising Not to Wear Black
With punctuation: Don’t wear black, people.
Without punctuation: Don’t wear black people
Now this tells us the story, why black people can’t be worn.

14.No Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted, I’m Jumping Right in
Violators can’t be prosecuted. The board on behalf of the owner tells everyone that it is just fine to trespass into this property. No lawyer can help. No, lawyer can help. We will leave this mess to those who made this board.

15.Is Anyone Interested in Cooking and Eating His Wife?
This is a cute and innocent fail will make everybody laugh. This person is inviting everybody to follow his wife’s blog, particularly those who want to cook and eat her. This is one of those cases where a punctuation fail went a little too far overboard.
