15 People Confess The Dumbest Ways They Have Hurt Themselves

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 9:26 pm
By:James Fraser

No matter which way it comes, an injury is always a terrible thing. The pain, regret and lots of 'ifs and buts', etc. are too difficult to deal with. Despite taking greater care of ourselves, sometimes these injuries are just inevitable. We also see people getting hurt for stupid or silly reasons, blame it on their bad luck or stupidity but such injuries are hilarious sometimes. Here are fifteen dumbest ways people hurt themselves, as shared by them. The stories will surely make you laugh hard!
1.That Was Unfortunate!

Went to the doctor with a sprained ankle, tripped and fell in the exam room and sprained my wrist. The poor doctor just crossed his arms and looked down.

That Was Unfortunate!-15 People Confess The Dumbest Ways They Have Hurt Themselves

2.And This Tragic Incident

Stubbed toe on couch. Became so enraged, kicked couch several times, thus breaking the toe in question, which was only previously bruised.

And This Tragic Incident-15 People Confess The Dumbest Ways They Have Hurt Themselves

3.But Why?

I never really got hit in the balls until i was like 15, where i was curious if its actually so bad and punched myself...

But Why?-15 People Confess The Dumbest Ways They Have Hurt Themselves


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