15 Dumbest Tweets Ever
Monday, Aug 31, 2020, 6:10 pm
By:James Fraser
The world is no short of dumb people, and will never run out of them. What makes a person dumb? There are many things that make a person dumb from ignorance to inability to think right and logically. Dumb people look like everyone until they open their mouth or let their feelings out. Here are fifteen dumb people who have come up with dumbest tweets ever!
7.Dumbness Can Cost People Badly
We all have people like this on our social networking accounts who wouldn't stop sharing random stuff. This dumb girl here in the image actually shared her debit card details publicly on her twitter account! She even shared her CVV publicly! Apparently, she doesn't understand how credit/debit cards or whole money thing works! This is dumbness at its peaks!