Top Celebrity Mug Shots
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 9:45 am
1.Haley Joel Osment
That cute little boy who saw dead people in the blockbuster film, "The Sixth Sense," grew up to be a handsome young man, but also a young man who was arrested on drunk driving and marijuana possession charges. After getting into a car accident in 2006, he was hospitalized for minor injuries, and then arrested.
2.Keifer Sutherland
Keifer Sutherland was arrested by the Glendale, Caliornia police in December of 2007. He was caught driving while intoxicated with a blood alcohol level well over the limit. This was the second time in just three years for Sutherland to be arrested on DUI charges. The star of the hit show, "24" surrendered to a 48 day jail sentence.
3.Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton was arrested in 2010 for cocaine possession. She was on the Las Vegas strip when she was pulled over as the police saw a white cloud of smoke coming from her car. They believed it was marijuana, but found her in possession of cocaine. Her mug shot looks more like a head shot.
4.Khloe Kardashian
It's one thing to get arrested on DUI charges, it's another when you're a celebrity, and it's even worse when you're a celebrity and it's all caught on camera to be broadcast on your reality show. That's what happened to Khloe Kardashian in March of 2007, in California, where her family reality show, "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" is shot.
5.Nicole Ritchie
In 2006, Nicole Ritchie was caught driving the wrong way on a California highway. When pulled over she was drunk and subsequently arrested on DUI charges. The star of the reality show, "Simple Life," wasn't having such a simple life at that moment. She has since cleaned up her act.
6.Mel Gibson
Actor Mel Gibson was arrested on a DUI in 2006, in California, but that wasn't the worst part. With his alcohol level sky high, the actor went off on a anti-semitic tirade, and asked the sheriff if he was Jewish after saying, "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world."
7.Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan was arrested many times, and has many mug shots on record. This mug shot was from her arrest in July of 2007 for drunk driving and cocaine possession, in Santa Monica, California. She was pulled over for chasing another vehicle at top speed, and then failed the field sobriety test.
8.Russell Brand
Comedian Russell Brand was arrested in New Orleans for smashing a photographer's iPhone and throwing it. It could get really annoying when cameras are in your face all the time. Even for someone who seems to be laughing all the time, there are limits for everyone, and it seems Brand hit his.
9.Nicolas Cage
Actor Nicolas Cage was arrested in April of 2011 on several charges that included domestic abuse battery. Cage was intoxicated and shouting outside a property with his wife, who he put his hands on in his drunken rage, pounding on vehicles in the street as well. He was charged with disturbing the peace, public drunkeness and domestic abuse battery.
10.Fiona Apple
Fiona Apple was arrested in Sierra Blanca, Texas for hashish possession last September, 2013. She was released on a $10,000 bond the next day. The singer was reported to have had .010 pounds of hashish and .010 pounds of marijuana in her possession when she was arrested. She was stopped at a checkpoint where other celebrities were arrested, such as Snoop Dogg.
11.Ed Furlong
Ed Furlong was arrested for domestic abuse in January of 2013, in Los Angeles, California. This was his third domestic violence arrest in just three months. The thirty five year old, Terminator 2 star allegedly beat his girlfriend. This seems to be an ongoing problem for the actor, who keeps assaulting the same girlfriend.
12.Daryl Hannah
Daryl Hannah was arrested in October of 2012, in Winnsboro, for protesting the construction of a pipeline. The construction was to place a pipeline, running fromCanada to the Gulf Coast, to bring crude oil to the refineries. Hannah was protesting with a seventy eight year old landowner from northeast Texas.