15 Times Kim Kardashian Was Shut Down By Her Family
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 6:37 am
By:James Fraser
Love her, hate her, but you can't completely ignore her! Kim Kardashian came a long way forward in her life from the days where she used to work for Paris Hilton. Kim had a fairly humble beginning, and was a simple woman like everyone until she started breaking internet with leaked tapes, butts and stuff!
Let's talk about her family now which is no different. However, in these fifteen funny situations, you see her family completely shutting her down!
4.When Scott Disick Reminds Kim Her Dating History
Scott Disick owns Kardashians more than any one on the show. This funny conversation between him and Kim happened in one of the shows, where Kim started to give her mother Kris some relationship advice. Scott interfered, and neatly reminded Kim of her rather awkward dating history, hinting at her two marriages.