12 Celebrities Who Got Fat
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 11:09 am
By:James Fraser
Obesity is something that troubles many people irrespective of their age, gender, race, and even social or economic status. Gaining pounds is an easy thing, but losing them isn't. Food isn't always the prime culprit in obesity. Several psychological, metabolic, and hormonal disorders make people gain weight very fast. As said earlier, overweight can affect anyone, and celebrities are not an exception. Many of our beloved celebrities had gotten fat even after living a slim and healthy lifestyle for years. If you look at a celebrity diet and exercise regime, you'll be shocked to know how much they have to take care of their weight and diet. Read the weight gain stories of 12 celebrities and find out how and why overweight sabotaged their image.
7.Steven Seagal
Steven Seagal is an American actor and a 7th-degree black belt holder in Aikido (martial art). In fact, Steve is the first foreigner to set up an Aikido training center in Japan. This man is a legendary martial artist, and now he looks like a typical 60-year-old fat family man. Steven Seagal remained healthy and maintained good physique even during his 50s. He is now 64 years old, and we think his overweight has something do with health issues like thyroid dysfunction. Let's hope Steven will be back to good health very soon. Hey, never mess with a 7th-degree black belt holder just because he is fat or old!