15 People Reveal The Nastiest Thing They Have Seen In Public
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 4:21 pm
By:James Fraser
Sometimes you can't help yourself from witnessing all the weird things that happen in public. You hope you don't see them, but you have little control over the things that happen in the outside world. Sometimes we see horrible accidents, witness illegal activities. We may even end up watching some insane and inappropriate things that shouldn't happen in a public place. Before you remember the nastiest thing you have ever seen, here, we have fifteen people who revealed the preposterous things they have witnessed in public.
1.They Clearly Didn't See that Coming!
When I was 15, I was at a large ass family reunion on a large plot of private property. Me, my uncle, my cousin and my dad's cousin were all at the edge of the property overlooking a river. We saw a canoe coming down the river. When they got close, we saw a guy and a girl in the canoe. All the sudden the guy yells "GRAB A NET" my cousin replies "WHY". The man proceeded to respond "BECAUSE YOU'RE ABOUT TO CATCH SOME TITTY" and the girl proceeded to flash us. It was great, I'll never forget it.