15 Children Toys That Are Inappropriate On So Many Different Levels

Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 6:57 am
By:James Fraser

Perverts love being perverts.Some sick and twisted souls do not even leave children’s toys alone, and display the heights of their pervertedness even in toy making. Whether or not these toys have been made by perverts, or are just bizarre unexplained accidents, the images of toys that we are showing you here are highly inappropriate on so many levels. We give you a reason to double check everything before buying a toy for your kid next time.
They are awkward, but perhaps funny at the same time, unless you are a parent!
1.The Evil Stick Toy

This isn’t a toy, but pure evil. This toy which was on sale in a toy shop in Ohio, United States, had a creepy picture hidden underneath. Many people wonder what the picture of a creepy child, who is cutting her hand with a knife is doing on a children’s toy! So creepy!

The Evil Stick Toy-15 Children Toys That Are Inappropriate On So Many Different Levels

2.Dora The Explorer Aquapet

Pee & Poo plush dolls are a perfect choice for all those who want to play with pee and poo without getting their hands dirty! Well, these plush toys aren't entirely wrong, but who intends to play with them anyway? Nonetheless, they are popular and kids from many parts of the world love playing with them. A Swedish graphic designer created the Pee & Poo flush toy franchise in 2004, shortly after completing her master's degree in graphic design. What do you think about these awkward pee & poo dolls? From what we have inspected, many kids loved the toys, but not their parents! 

Dora The Explorer Aquapet-15 Children Toys That Are Inappropriate On So Many Different Levels

3.Something Went Terribly Wrong with Winnie the Pooh

What’s wrong with you Pooh? Is that a traffic pylon on you? No, it is not! Winnie seem to be happy and enjoying the moment. Whatever that long bulging thing is, this toy of Winnie the Pooh looks a little inappropriate with the large attachment!

Something Went Terribly Wrong with Winnie the Pooh-15 Children Toys That Are Inappropriate On So Many Different Levels


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