15 Children Toys That Are Inappropriate On So Many Different Levels
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 6:57 am
By:James Fraser
Perverts love being perverts.Some sick and twisted souls do not even leave children’s toys alone, and display the heights of their pervertedness even in toy making. Whether or not these toys have been made by perverts, or are just bizarre unexplained accidents, the images of toys that we are showing you here are highly inappropriate on so many levels. We give you a reason to double check everything before buying a toy for your kid next time.
They are awkward, but perhaps funny at the same time, unless you are a parent!
1.The Evil Stick Toy
This isn’t a toy, but pure evil. This toy which was on sale in a toy shop in Ohio, United States, had a creepy picture hidden underneath. Many people wonder what the picture of a creepy child, who is cutting her hand with a knife is doing on a children’s toy! So creepy!

2.Dora The Explorer Aquapet
Pee & Poo plush dolls are a perfect choice for all those who want to play with pee and poo without getting their hands dirty! Well, these plush toys aren't entirely wrong, but who intends to play with them anyway? Nonetheless, they are popular and kids from many parts of the world love playing with them. A Swedish graphic designer created the Pee & Poo flush toy franchise in 2004, shortly after completing her master's degree in graphic design. What do you think about these awkward pee & poo dolls? From what we have inspected, many kids loved the toys, but not their parents!

3.Something Went Terribly Wrong with Winnie the Pooh
What’s wrong with you Pooh? Is that a traffic pylon on you? No, it is not! Winnie seem to be happy and enjoying the moment. Whatever that long bulging thing is, this toy of Winnie the Pooh looks a little inappropriate with the large attachment!

4.A Toy Taser to Tase Children
What does the product say? It magically turns undisciplined kids into angels! What does a parent have to do? Just tase the kids with this KiddieTazer! Maybe this is not such a bad toy after all.

5.This Pregnant Doll With Its Stomach Opened
It is creepy, but it helps you to answer the famous question of 'where do babies come from?' Would you let your child play with a doll as creepy as this?

6.Baby’s First Baby, the Name itself is F***d up
Baby is pregnant, and the baby of baby is also pregnant! That’s what this world’s most inappropriate doll has on offering for the children who want to play with it. Don’t forget to have a look at the three milk bottles, and decide for yourself which baby is getting what.

7.So, That is How they Come out
Apart from being a little inappropriate, this slide at unknown place shows us how babies come out with the least gore! The slide would never have made it to the internet, had its color been a little different other than brown, black or pink!

8.The Doll of a Baby that Sucks Blood from another Baby
Things could not get any worse. This is pure gore, and we are not sure why any parent would buy dolls like these for their children. By the way, what are those pipes? Never mind asking, we will figure them out on our own!

9.Meet Pee & Poo, The Plush Dolls
Pee & Poo plush dolls are a perfect choice for all those who want to play with pee and poo without getting their hands dirty! Well, these plush toys aren't entirely wrong, but who intends to play with them anyway? Nonetheless, they are popular and kids from many parts of the world love playing with them. A Swedish graphic designer created the Pee & Poo flush toy franchise in 2004, shortly after completing her master's degree in graphic design. What do you think about these awkward pee & poo dolls? From what we have inspected, many kids loved the toys, but not their parents!

Check Out: 15 Most inappropriate products ever designed
10.The Horse with Five Legs
We suspect a manufacturing defect that stitched an extra leg on this doll. There may be a possibility of doll makers stitching a ‘handle’ kind of thing to hold the doll comfortably. Until we all come to a suitable conclusion, this horse with a d*** will remain out of our children’s reach.

11.The Baby Doll that Was Imported Right from Hell
It gives even grownups goose bumps and nightmares by simplylookinginto the eyes of this incredibly creepy doll. Do you think your kids would like this doll? If they are possessed, they might?

12.Batman Water Gun with Inappropriately Placed Trigger
Unfortunately this Batman toy was made to do things in a backwards kind of way. Press his wee wee trigger and he pees (splashes) water out his mouth!

13.A Mini Pole Dancer Kit Including Instructional DVD
This mini pole dancer kit goes down as one of the most inappropriate, awkward and highly discouraging Christmas gift ever! Never ever purchase such a toy unless you want your children to aspire to pole dancing.

14.This Superheroes Personal Rocket is too Big to Hide
Typically superheroes carry their weapons somewhere around their shoulders, unlike like this superhero doll. The rocket, missile or whatever it is, was placed horribly incorrectly and gives a bad impression right from the get go. Even a kid may start asking questions.

15.A Baby Doll Asking to Shave its Body Hair
You have this baby doll with body hair all over it, asking to be shaved! This doll so terrible in so many cave-man type of ways. It is just one of those things that you don’t want your children to worry about, or touch, unless you want to teach them some shaving skills alarmingly early.
