12 Weird Ways To Get High Without Using Drugs Or Weed
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 1:24 pm
By:James Fraser
Alcohol, cigarettes, weed, drugs, etc. get us high, but they also make us pay the ultimate price in the end if we let them become an addiction. Alcohol zaps liver, smoking destroys lungs, and dope causes a whole lot of psychosomatic problems. Drugs just wreck a person physically and emotionally. Regardless of all these downsides, many of us sip booze, smoke weed, or snort drugs to experience euphoria. People love this euphoric state so much that they put their health at stake to enjoy the feeling. Hey, what if we tell you that there are numerous ways to get high without using drugs, weed, alcohol or other conventional intoxicants? Don't you believe our words? Continue reading this topic to know about them!
1.Binaural Beats
A binaural beat is a kind of auditory illusion created by presenting two different pure-tone sine waves with separate frequencies to a listener, one through each ear. Upon hearing, our brain perceives a delusional third beat with very low frequency. The third one is called a binaural beat, and it is said to have a soothing effect on the brain. Binaural beats relax mind to a large degree that listeners experience euphoria instantaneously. You may find an ocean of such binaural audio tracks on YouTube.com. They are harmless but can give nightmares to some people.