15 People Reveal The Craziest Thing They Have Witnessed At A Party
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 4:45 pm
By:James Fraser
Can you even imagine a party without dumb people or people doing some crazy stuff? Oh yes, every party has those moments. However, sometimes, things go out of control, making us witness some highly awkward or deeply disturbing scenes at parties. Read fifteen crazy and insane things happened at parties, as shared by people. This is must read list for all the party freaks out there! Hysterical laughter guaranteed!!!
1.This Rookie Stuntman at a Party
In Ireland a few years back I watched a drunk American dude create a path through the packed first-floor party with the "yo yo, watch this" idiots war cry, then run and jump over the balcony towards the tree outside. After hitting the tree limb and falling into the bushes below, he returned to the party with a broken nose, orbital bone and a gash on his face which looked like a kicked burrito. He kept saying "I'm ok man, I'm cool" all the while his exposed cheek bone and broken teeth said otherwise.... Good times!