15 Serial Killer Quotes That Will Give Chills Down Your Spine
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 4:12 pm
By:James Fraser
Most of us don't know of any real serial killers; We only heard about them in news,movies or documentaries. But if you want to hear real stories of Serial killers then ask your mom or dad, they will know many! Until the 1990s, most countries around the world were scarred of these so-called serial killers, who would kill whoever they like and whenever they want. Back then, There was lack of technology with the police authorities to be able to catch the serial killers and curb the murderers altogether. It's time to rewind all those notorious serial killer stories of the past few decades. Read fifteen serial killer quotes that will give you nightmares. Their crime stories are even more scary!
1.Carl Panzram, USA (1891 - 1930)
Carl Panzram was an American murderer, rapist, and a burglar. The man had committed 21 murders. He raped over 1000 women. He was hanged to death on September 5, 1930. While he was being hanged, he spat on the face of the executioner and screamed, "I wish the entire human race had one neck, and I had my hands around it!"