15 Girls Reveal The Most Awkward Thing A Guy Has Ever Said To Them
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 4:19 pm
By:James Fraser
Admit it; we are all awkward in one or the other way. However, we always try our best not to show it out. Unfortunately, sometimes the awkwardness slips out! Most of us are pretty normal, but some people are way too awkward. They behave like they don't belong to this planet. We have fifteen girls here who revealed the most awkward and insane things a guy has ever said to them. Check these hilarious things guys said and try to recall if you too heard someone saying crazy things to you.
1.This Insane Comparison
You are the gap between my ballsack and my anus. You hold me together. Without you, my insides would fall out.

2.That Was Indeed A Weird Question
I went on a blind date with a guy who said, "The girls I'm attracted to are usually either rape victims or were abused by their fathers. So which one are you, rape victim or father abuse victim?"
And then we got married 2 years later.
Just kidding I noped out of there real quick.

3.Too Many Things Spoken in short period of Time
"Your tits are great, but you could work on your personality" followed by "I think I'm in love with you" followed by "Why are you playing hard to get" followed by "Have you ever wanted to murder someone for not liking you back?"

4.He Meant a Different Yellow Fever
Okay, I'm late to this thread but I will share anyways. So when I was 18 I worked at this boy scout camp. I was one of the first asian females ever on staff, and the staff was primarily white. Anyways, this one white guy gets my number from his friend and starts texting me. Out of no where he tells me he has yellow fever. Being the naive 18 year old I was I was like "oh, man. You should probably get that checked out." He goes on and on trying to be smooth and me clueless. I am looking at WebMD on my phone to find out about yellow fever and the symptoms. I text him again he should see a doctor right away and that he should drink fluids. He then explains to me that he has a thing for Asians. It was very awkward after that.

5.Guys With Mommy Issues
"My mom didn't hold me enough when I was a baby. That's probably why I fell in love with you so quickly." Said on a first date.

6.This Guy Who Played it Little too Fast
I had a date with a guy that was set up by friends. Minutes after we ordered food he rubbed his thighs and told me that he loves fucking fat chicks because they have fat pussies. He said fucking thin girls is like throwing a wiener down a hallway. I waddled my fat ass right the fuck out of that restaurant.

7.And This Creepy Biology Teacher
Back in high school I had a biology teacher known to be a little creepy. We were in an anatomy unit and he was trying to describe traits that make it easier for women to give birth.
Looks at me in the middle of this lesson and says "juuule, for example... she has really great birthing hips..." Lots of exchanged looks and general discomfort around the room. Its no secret that I have a rather large butt and wide hips, but I could've gone without knowing that he noticed.

8.Cut It Open!
When I was very pregnant I was playing pool with my boyfriend and some of his friends. It was my turn and I was bending over to take my shot and their one weird friends was behind and said "yeah cut that p*ssy open". No idea what it meant but it creeped me and everyone else the fuck out.

9.The Kind of Question You Should Never Ask a Girl
10.This Crazy Friend
I went bouldering with some guys I knew, and one said "thanks for wearing such tight clothing so it's easier to picture you naked".

11.And This Creepy Old Man
I was in a CVS one time, picking up some tampons and casually grabbing any other essentials. As I was strolling through the candy aisle, a man in his maybe late 50's looks at the tampons and says, "OH! You enjoy stickin things in ya?" I pretended I didn't hear him so he just repeats it VERY LOUDLY.
I paid and got outta there ASAP. Old dude creeped me out.

12.A Guy Who Couldn't Hide His Cannibalistic Instincts
A guy friend was stroking my arm at a bar. I was drunk and didn't mind cuz it kinda felt nice, even though it seemed weird. After some time, he gets a quizzical look and says, "Wow, your skin is so soft, despite the muscles underneath. You have very nice muscles, just tender enough. If we were ever in one of those situations where we had to resort to cannibalism to survive, I'd definitely eat you first. I might not even wait until it became necessary for survival, I might just eat you first anyway."

13.This Weird Wish
A guy on tinder once asked me to sing to his penis.
EDIT: I didn't do it, guys. Never met up with him. Guess I'm just too ashamed of my singing ability :(

14.This Weird Yet Funny Incident
When I was in middle school this weird short guy tapped me on the shoulder in class
He held up two markers and said "this is me, and this is you"
He then proceeded to uncap the two markers and rub their felt points together.

15.This Hilarious Slip of Tongue
I was at a party with my boyfriend, chatting with one of his friends. For whatever reason we were talking about something related to insects. Mid sentence, the guy glanced at my chest and said "lady-boobs" instead of "ladybugs." My face was possibly more red than his.

So, Do you recollect any awkward thing someone has said to you or maybe you said something awkward to someone? Well, We have 15 guys here who revealed the most awkward thing a girl has ever said to them.