15 Hilarious Coming Out Stories That Didn't Go As Expected
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 8:00 am
By:James Fraser
15 Hilarious Coming Out Stories That Didn't Go As Expected
Coming out as gay to friends and family members is very challenging. It's hard to guess their reaction upon knowing your sexual preferences. Most parents today are very understanding when it comes to accepting their children's sexual orientation. Some parents shun their children completely upon knowing that they are gay. The problem is that a gay person can't presume the outcome of him or her coming out. Result? He or she has to struggle a lot to tell their friends and family those three simple words 'I am gay.'
Gay people usually talk to the other members of LGBT community to work on a way to come out. Based on the family traditions, social and financial statuses, they then figure out a way to reveal their sexuality, which they think is the best. Sometimes these coming out strategies don't work as planned. They can go terribly wrong or unbelievably right. Sometimes they end up creating hilarious conversations. Check these fifteen coming out stories that didn't go as planned.
1.This Funny Dad
Parents know many things about us that we may think they don’t know. They find out if you are alcoholic. They can tell if you are on drugs. In most cases, they even know your sexual preferences.