15 People Share Their Most Awkward Moments Ever
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 9:45 pm
By:James Fraser
Sometimes, we put ourselves in pretty awkward situations. We may trip and fall down, bump into people, or our stomachs start making weird noises in a quiet room! Unfortunately, there are people who try their best to try not to get involved in awkward situations every day.
Jenny Lawson, popular by name 'The Bloggess', shared an awkward moment on her Twitter page. Her followers soon started sharing their own embarrassing moments. Here are fifteen best out of all of them.
7.Stop Talking to Trashcan
Oh boy, isn't this the most awkward and embarrassing situation we have read so far? Sometimes, some of us get overexcited, and start doing all sorts of stupid things and end up sounding or looking like a complete fool. Unfortunately, some people keep embarrassing themselves daily. We don't know what category this lady falls in, but she did make everyone of us laugh.