15 Most Stupid Questions Ever Asked By Students In Class

Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 11:53 am
By:James Fraser

One day, we may run out of oil. We may run out of oxygen. The whole planet may perish, but there would still be a dumb guy lurking in the bushes! We have them in abundance, and we stumble upon one now and then. If we ask you to recall the name of the dumbest person you have ever seen in your life, we are sure your mind travels all the way back to your school days because that's where we see a lot of dim-witted people! We know you can't immediately recall the dumbest things kids in your class might have done, so let's show you these 15 most stupid questions ever asked by kids in class, as shared by their classmates.
4.This Girl Who Badly Need a 'Sunrice' in Her Gloomy Mind

Our 9th grade English teacher was collecting food and stuff to send to Japan after the tsunami, namely rice. A girl raised her hand and asked if it was to soak up all the water.
The teacher's look of disappointment could be felt down to her soul.
When people say rice absorbs an ocean of water, they don't really mean that. This girl needs to get her facts rice. Oops, we mean right! 

This Girl Who Badly Need a 'Sunrice' in Her Gloomy Mind-15 Most Stupid Questions Ever Asked By Students In Class

5.Apparently He Thinks Food Was Invented by Modern Humans

In my World History class a student was put on the spot and mumbled out the following question, "wait, did food exist back then?"
My teacher simply said, “Nope. The ancient Greeks used photosynthesis.”
People can be this stupid. When you read those questions that are coming ahead, you will agree that this guy isn't that dumb at all.

Apparently He Thinks Food Was Invented by Modern Humans-15 Most Stupid Questions Ever Asked By Students In Class

6.This Girl Who Needs to Take Primary Education Once Again

We were discussing forest fires that were going on somewhere in the midwest at the time, and a girl asked, "How can the fires keep burning for more than one day? Do they start back up again every morning?"
She literally thought that fires only burn in the daytime. This was in a college class.
If fires are capable of commanding or controlling themselves, they would have burnt down the entire planet by now.

This Girl Who Needs to Take Primary Education Once Again-15 Most Stupid Questions Ever Asked By Students In Class
