15 Signs You Haven't Understood The Whole Being An Adult Thing

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 10:56 pm
By:James Fraser

Are you an adult? Is being adult really for you? Life hits you so hard if you live the life of an adult, when you are not actually mature enough to lead it well. Let us show you 15 signs that show whether or not you belong in the ‘big people’ league. 
1.Budget Planning, What it is?

You never plan your spending, and not at all into those little cash inflow calculations. You spend the first week of a month like a king, and rest of the three like a peasant. Forget about saving, at times you find it difficult even to get a beer or some food.

Budget Planning, What it is?-15 Signs You Haven't Understood The Whole Being An Adult Thing

2.401(k), Is that the Name of a Car?

You do not know what taxes are and how they actually work. You do not even know how to file taxes. If you think 401(k) is the name of a race car, you do not really belong to the world of adults. The fact that you find its okay not to know that all these taxation details are super important, makes everyone feel you do not belong here.

401(k), Is that the Name of a Car?-15 Signs You Haven't Understood The Whole Being An Adult Thing

3.No life at Home Other than You

Would you dare go out to get a life? We mean a pet or a plant! No, right? This is it. People who are not quite evolved into adulthood cannot take care of themselves first, forget about pets. 

No life at Home Other than You-15 Signs You Haven't Understood The Whole Being An Adult Thing


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